The intention of Muddy Hollow Hunt Club is to provide a clean, friendly and family style hunt club to be able to go out and enjoy GODS great outdoors. This club is not about  politics, moaning, groaning and competition. We want this club to be a place of fellowship with like minded hunters and a place we can train our next generation hunters. This is not a trophy club but we do want to respect what we hunt and only kill what we can eat.


  1. All stands are marked on the peg in boards. Once you arrive at the property, mark your stand you plan on hunting. If hunting a climber please use magnet and mark area you will be in.
  2. Please sign in on the sheet with your name, and stand number.
  3. There will also be a calendar on the website you will use to check into a property. If you don't have access please call or text and we can add you.
  4. When leaving property you must remove pin. You may not claim a spot and leave for lunch.


  1. All deer, turkey, and hogs must be reported so we can keep accurate records on the club.
  2. If a members fails to report harvests this will be terms of termination of membership.
  3. Deer and turkey can be reported by email, text or call but should be done on the club calendar.


  1. Memberships run from March 1-March 1 Each year. Memberships end March 1 with no exception even if a member joins late in the year. 
  2. Dues must be paid in full before hunting deer or turkeys.
  3. Spouses hunting in same stand with paying member is included with membership. If hunting a separate stand full membership is to be paid.
  4. Children 15 and under are included in membership,16-17 occupying a stand by themselves are $100 and 18 or over pay full membership.
  5. Dues for are $725 the first year and $625 each year after. $100 is used for stands and seed.
  6. Dues and deposits are non-refundable, as long as there is land to hunt in Muddy Hollow Hunt Club. Money sent into Timber companies is non refundable.
  7. Small game memberships are $500 per year.
  8. If you paid full membership then small game is included. 

Work days

  1. All members are expected to attend 3 work days. Work days will be held the first Saturday of each month unless an email has been sent with a change.
  2. If 3 work days are not attended there will be a $75 fee for each work day not attended. This fee will be added to membership total. For example, if you attend 1 work day you owe $150 and your dues for the year will be $775. If you don't attend any work days $225 will be added to your dues and you will owe $850. If you are a first year new member the $100 first year initiation fee is still in play along with the work day fees..
  3. If fees and membership are not paid in full by the start of the season the new gate codes will not be given


  1. ALL stands are first come and open to club with the exception of climbers. If a members adds a lock on, ladder or tower stand to club land understand any member may hunt that stand.
  2. No stands may be added to club land without prior approval.
  3. All stands must be added to map board with sticker. Any stand found not on map will be moved.
  4. All stands a member adds to club lands must have name of member on it.


  1. Visitors may come as guest starting November 1. Each may bring a total of 3 guest at $30 per day. All   guest fees must be paid in full before the visitor may hunt.

2. NO guests allowed on the Fairfield tract for deer or turkey hunting 

3. Guests may come tp Philson or Union to turkey hunt starting April 15 for a fee of $30 per day

Alcohol and Drugs

    1. There will be absolutely no alcohol or drugs allowed on club property. Our leases holders do not allow it on their land and we can lose our leases. Plus alcohol and drug s do not mix with guns. 


  1. All members must use calendar checkin
  2. All members must sign into a stand using magnet on map board on property.
  3. All deer killed must be reported on website.

During the deer season if a member wishes to check a camera or add corn to an area they must hunt that  area and drive in after dark. The purpose of this is so a member does not mess and area up with scent then leave and then another member drives down to hunt thinking they are hunting an area not already trampled in. Please don't do something you wouldn't want done to you. 

Turkey Hunting

  1. When turkey hunting members need to sign in on calendar on website. 
  2. Members need only to pin in at starting point if hunting Union pin in on the gate number. 
  3. NO visitors until April 15 Visitor fees apply to all visitors when turkey hunting.
  4. All turkey must be checked in on calendar.




  • See small game


       1. Small game hunting which entails rabbit,hog,coon,and squirrel depending on season can only be hunted  Jan 2- September 1.  or after the last youth deer hunt No small game hunting during deer season. Only hogs may be taken during deer season still hunting out of stands during daylight hours. 

       2. Small game memberships run Jan 2-Sept 1 and dues for small game is $500 per year

        3. If dogs are used for small game the dogs must be owned by a paying member.



         1. Duck hunting is allowed on the pond at Philson tract only after deer season.

         2. Union property. Members do not have waterfowl rights on the Union tract    Any member caught    waterfowl hunting on the union tract will be removed from club   Anyone that has any issue with any member of the duck club needs to contact me directly.



  1. There are no refunds on deposits or dues. Once the money is paid it goes to lease and no money will be refunded.


All parking areas on club are marked. There is to be no vehicle traffic beyond signs accept to retrieve game or fill club feeders. 

ONLY those with disabilities may park beyond the parking signs but must have a handicap parking decal.

Fairfield Managed tract

The Fairfield tract will be a managed tract of Muddy Hollow Hunt Club to give its members who are wanting a place to let deer walk and shoot nice bucks and a place to practice management. The purpose of this tract is not to shoot the first buck that has 4 points on one side but to shoot mature bucks and does. This property will  be monitored and it will depend on members honesty. This is not a tract to where you hunt the other tracts and shoot everything that moves and come here late season when members have been letting deer walk and come in and shoot the woods up. If you are not into management then please do not hunt this tract leave it to those that do. There is very limited parking on this tract and will be a lot of walking to stands, not by choice its because those that had land before us did not cut any trails. 

1. limit of 2 bucks and 2 does per membership paid. If your child or spouse is under your membership and your wife or child kills a buck that is part of the 2 deer max.

2. Bucks will be 4 pt on one side and to the tips of the ear.  Picture of all deer will be mandatory. $100 fine for any buck that does not meet point and size requirements, if a second offense happens then that member will not be allowed to hunt the Fairfield tract again during their membership. 

3. 2 doe minimum per membership. Does will not be harvested until after November 1 with a limit of 1 doe per day.

4 All stands on Fairfield tract will be club owned and club managed stands. Climbers will be allowed. Our goal  is to have low pressure and not have stands on every hill.

5. All stands will be the min of 300 yards and will be marked by satellite

6. Corn will only be allowed in feeders and will be filled by designated members to minimize traffic. There will not be feeders at every stand but enough to keep deer on property. 

7. There will be no visitors allowed on Fairfield tract. 

8.Parking signs will be enforced

9. If your handicapped and can't walk we will do our best to have at least one easy access stand to be able to hunt this tract. Handicap is if you have to use a cane or walker to get to a stand. 

10. There is no camping allowed on this tract such as pitching a tent or setting up a camper.